7/30 “For Those Who Came Before”

I am completely in love with poets,
how the words drip from their lips,
slide over my torso and hold me close.

I am completely held in awe when they attack the mic,
speak to my inner self and rip apart
my commentaries of what good poetry should be.

It’s not about sonnets and Shakespeare
and couplets and quatrains,
but more like feeling and drama and
deep seated emotions that rush to the surface
after caressing mic and sliding tongue over teeth
and backwards to produce in words your ache,
your heart, your soul, your vehemence,
your you.

I am completely in love with poets,
because when they speak I am captured,
translated from this world to the stage’s edge
edging realities and voices and snaps into darkness.

I am completely in love with poets,
and how when they slam the stage and screw the mic,
every word drops into me,
impregnating my desire to be great.

I am completely in love with the spoken word.

7/30 “For Those Who Came Before”

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Apr.7_For Those Who Came Before
Photo Credit: Created Gravity Expressions © 2016

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