Jamaican Mentality at its Best

Today being the 1st of October should have seen me posting about my new blog venture C.R.E.A.T.E, but social media has taken off in flight re the news that the U.K. plans to “help construct a prison in Jamaica.” Now, I try to not speak out on these issues, because frankly, I am but a lowly blogger in the eyes of a political frenzy.

Why a prison though U.K.? The question needs to be asked. But then, isn’t the answer very simple? There are hundreds of Jamaican criminals in U.K. prisons and the British Prime Minister figured it was high time he saved his tax payers dollars. I say kudos to that. Jamaica on the other hand loves milking its taxpayers for only God knows what and why. The Jamaican government has no integrity or focus, and the people are lacking on said grounds just the same. How are we to strive for greatness and achieve when those who are supposed to “lead” us don’t know “jack-didly-squat?” This seems like a quandary to me.

Jamaica wants reparations! Everyone is shouting, from the Jamaican Prime Minister straight down to the common folk who probably don’t even understand the meaning of the word. Now that is just facetious in my eyes. Sigh. Jamaica wants many things. As a nation we accept every investment and promise and gift from every avenue whether strings are attached or not, because laziness is the height of the day and we would rather to get a hand out than a hand up. That is the simple fact. You can always deny it, but truth and evidence will always remain. People would rather sit and beg on the roadside than to job hunt or better yet, create a job for themselves. Jamaicans are leeches! 

The government of Jamaica sucks its people dry. Families do the same to each other, especially to relatives who are abroad. We culture our youth to grow up expecting something rather than preparing them with the tools to create something. It is heartbreaking, but sadly, true. Students go to school expecting teachers to give them all the knowledge in the world without them exerting a single sweat of effort. Adults work and work and work expecting the government to take care of them after years of service. These assumptions of entitlement strike hard and fast and hollow in the minds of many Jamaicans and they sit and scheme how to milk the system; con the little man and pull the wool over the eyes of those who would rather just live in peace.

Why a prison I ask the question again? Well, maybe because the U.K. realizes that a majority of Jamaicans can only be and do one thing. Maybe because this was a test and of course the U.K. knew Jamaica would wheedle talks of reparations into the sit down, and as such prove that the mentality of its people would never change.

No country owes Jamaica anything! It is as simple as that. Don’t forget about slavery, but stop using it as a crutch to scam other nations and even your own country men. We as a nation WERE slaves. Past tense. Stop trying to hang this tragedy over the heads of country officials who when you think about, had all right to enslave us, because we gave them each other when it was time to benefit our own hides.

Wake up Jamaica! Stop expecting hand outs! Stop proselytizing ideas of being the victim. You are the worst kind of manipulator – a bully who then turns around and plays the victim! It does not benefit a soul.

Be Kind and Share…

Photo Credit: jis.gov.jm
Photo Credit: jis.gov.jm

7 thoughts on “Jamaican Mentality at its Best

  1. This is deep made me think, it reminds me of something I am working on…this is not just a Jamaican issue I think all black people suffer from this…” Families do the same to each other, especially to relatives who are abroad. We culture our youth to grow up expecting something rather than preparing them with the tools to create something. It is heartbreaking, but sadly, true. Students go to school expecting teachers to give them all the knowledge in the world without them exerting a single sweat of effort. Adults work and work and work expecting the government to take care of them after years of service.” this could be my country, its people and its issues…one guy posted a joke on social media the other day where he says that he could have gotten a wife by now but the government won’t provide him with one…Forget the western world Africa is its own problem, I see my people always waiting around for something, feeling so entitled to the help of the government and others, being lazy and blaming their condition always on the others…Thanks for this you helped me express something I was feeling, very insightful

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Controversial with some good points. I agree that people need to stop playing the victim but there has been an impact on people because of hundreds of years of slavery; light skin/dark skin preferences, violence, lack of confidence, lack of economic power, the break down of the family etc. ‘Challenging the myth of black inferiority’ by Tom Burrell goes into this.

    Maybe reparations aren’t the way to solve the issues but David Cameron’s choice to just tell people ‘to get over it’ is insensitive and arrogant. Imagine, if he said the same to Jews? England would not be the rich, powerful country it is now if it wasn’t for hundreds of years of free african labour.

    I agree people should not expect anything from anyone but the lack of recognition of how the UK benefited from the slave trade is frustrating.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True! I understand that and your points. True words yes! Thanks for your input. When you think of it though, at the end of the day persons always will have to fend for themselves, just a matter of how long they wait to accept that and push through.

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